- #Access prezi classic from a new account password#
- #Access prezi classic from a new account Offline#

#Access prezi classic from a new account Offline#
Our Support team is participating in a remote training & team-building event therefore, our chat & phone service will be offline and you may experience longer response times. If you already had a Prezi account either free or paid you can still access to your old Prezi Classic account. It cut off access to Prezi Classic to all future Prezi subscribers. If you select public, you will be given a link you can send to share your profile. Search the Prezi Knowledge Base for Prezi support, how-to articles and videos, and to submit help requests to our team of technical experts. New Users are Denied a Prezi Classic Account When they released Prezi Next in April of 2017, the company made a bold and unpopular move. Under “Privacy Settings,” you can choose to make your profile public or private.Enter your name and any other information you would like to include.
#Access prezi classic from a new account password#

A picture will only appear if your Prezi Classic account and your Facebook or LinkedIn profile are connected.Īdding a photo and connecting your profiles

This page displays your profile as it appears on. I am a PhD student in Canada, and I use prezi classic for all my presentations, conferences and, especially, for teaching. You can see your profile by clicking the “Profile” tab. Hi all I have been a prezi user since 2013 (I think I have had an account earlier than that though). Once signed into Prezi Classic, you can manage your profile and account settings here or by clicking your name in the upper right corner and selecting “Account Settings”.